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Craniosacral Therapy​​
Holistic Massage & Acupressure
'Change the Way You Feel'
Upledger Craniosacral Therapy
for children
Upledger Craniosacral Therapy
for children
For treatment purposes I consider children to be between 1 and 9 years old. Treatment over 9 years of age is the same as that for adults. For young people up to 16 years I request a guardian to be present and between 16 and 18 years if they are attending on their own a letter of consent from their parents or carers.
Treating Your Child
Treating Your Child
- Adaptability by the therapist is probably the most important thing when treating all children. There are many ways in which I need to adapt my techniques to treat little ones effectively.
- Children often prefer to be close to their parents or carerer and so their treatment may take place either lying down, in a chair or if it’s a toddler I often find myself following them around the room and waiting for an opportunity to get my hands on them! Having some colourful toys, storybooks or jigsaws in my therapy room helps to keeps their interest and if I could ask you to bring their favourite cuddly toy or comforter with them this allows me more hands-on time.
- Children often enjoy craniosacral therapy, many noticing the benefits for themselves and usually asking their parents/carers if they can come again. They are usually very eager to climb up onto the couch and find treatment very soothing.
Conditions UCST
May Help in Children
Conditions UCST
May Help in Children
- Headaches, head pain and migraine
- Jaw problems
- Back pain,neck pain
- Joint injuries
- Muscles strains, sports injuries
- Asthma and breathing difficulties
- Glue ear & Hearing problems related to this
- Stress related problems
- Emotional problems e.g. anger, frustration, grief
- Sleep disorders & nightmares
- Learning Difficlties
- Behaviour problems
- Clumsiness,poor concentration
- Epilepsy
Conditions UCST
May Help Improve or Manage,
But not Resolve
Conditions UCST
May Help Improve or Manage,
But not Resolve
- Dyspraxia
- Dyslexia
- Autism & Aspergers syndrome
- Cerebral Palsy and other brain injries
- Genetic disorders including Downs syndrome
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